Friday, July 31, 2020

Prepping the garden and house for Isaias 7 ' 20

  I spent the day prepping the house and yard for Isaias
I moved all our lightweight potted plants to  wind-sheltered locations 
and took all our yard art indoors so hit couldn't become a missile.

Then, I harvested all of the cut-flowers, and trimmed their plants back to three feet of lower so they would have less  mass and be less likely to get flatted.

The large bowls of cut-flowers help make  the house look really cheery.
Next I tackled harvesting all my herbs which are in their peak of  summer growth.

I put all the soft herbs like basil into large bowls of water so that they would stay fresh until I had time to process them into pesto, or infuse them into oils.

The remaining culinary herbs were hung  to dry 
from a pot rack above our kitchen sink.
They make the house smell just heavenly. 

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