Saturday, December 19, 2020

Moving on to Celebrating Christmas

 With Hanukkah firmly over,  our attention is now turning to celebrate the Christmas 

The first thing I did this morning was was store away all of the Jewish holiday decor,  e.g. Menorahs, Stars of David, etc.

Then I reset the dining table with a red and white color scheme,

 and hung Santa Clause stockings from the chairs.

The blue bottle Menorah in the kitchen window sill has been replaced 

with a set of snowmen cocoa pots and cups.

I retained blue ornaments on the main Christmas tree, 

but added a lot of red and gold ones as well.

A natural green swag was hung on the staircase railing 

and a multi-colored  led-light tree

brightens up our Carolina room.

 A wreath of red,   green, and gold jingle bells hangs on the front door.

Santa Claus is playing golf in our front yard, 


a 'Countdown to Christmas' snowman welcomes visitors to our home.

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