Saturday, July 28, 2007

July Aug 07 Family reunion

“You don't choose your family.  They are God's gift to you, as you are to them. “ ~ Desmond Tutu

We spent July 28 - August 5 visiting Bruce’s side of the family in New Jersey.  First stop was steo-daughter Laura, her husband Kenyata, and our grand-daughter,  Delaney’sat their  home in  Sommer's Point.  Bruce’s step-son Marty also dropped in for a visit.  Next we hopped on down to Atlantic City where we linked up with Bruce’s Uncle Dick, his Cousin Richie, and wife Carol, and their son Jake.  Finally we had dinner with Bruce’s sister Pam and her husband Mike at a fine Spanish restaurant in Piscataway. 
Laura Kenyatta and Delaney Brown

Marty and Sam

Visiting Laura was pleasant and peaceful.   We spent most of the daylight hours catching up on each others lives, teaching Delaney to Golf (see video clip).  We also took a number of day trips.

The first was to Ocean City for a stroll down its quaint Boardwalk.
 Next we went to Egg Harbor. 
Macie and Bruce

While the guys rode the wave runner, Laura and Cece did some beach combing for shells and pretty jelly bean like pebbles that line the water’s edge.   

Delaney was constantly asking us to go into the water with her and took great delight in wading out up to her neck. She certainly has no fear of the water.

Laura, Macie, Kenyatta
We also visited The Atlantic Ocean at Dog Beach where Miela played catch in the waves for hours

Evenings were spent playing Rummy.
On Tuesday we migrated over to Atlantic City with its famous Casino ringed shore line where we met up with the Rivetz side of the clan. 
Atlantic City Beaches and Casinos

Cece enjoyed the boardwalk and beaches. 
Jake at 3 yrs old

Three year old Jake wanted to hit the amusement park where he took a thrill ride down the slide with his mother, Carol.

 The cousins just liked to party.
Cousins: Richie and Jake and Bruce

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