Saturday, October 15, 2011

Georgetown Wooden Boat Show '11

Georgetown South Carolina is a hardworking community built on the banks of the Wynyah Bay.
It has been an important commercial harbor and seafaring community since the earliest European colonists settled the area in the early 1600s.  Every autumn, Georgetown celebrates its seafaring history with a Wooden  Boat Show

Wooden Boats come in from all over the Eastern seaboard to participate in the event
Special pontoon walkways are set up so visitors can view these beauties up close..

Visitors are given lessons in how to oar a long boat in the stiff currents of the  tidal rivers.

Shrimpers tie up with pleasure craft  some even welcome visitors aboard for the day.

Two masted schooners and many private vessels are moored  in the river for the day.

Bruce exploring Front Street
The main Front Street is lined with  handcrafted boats, tent stalls for children to race toy boats,

and of course vendors selling boat related  merchandise.

My friend Maria Delaney was in one of these showing people her beautiful photographic artwork.

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