Saturday, December 14, 2013

St Augustine Florida - Last Evening 12'13

Our day trip may have been  a dud but that didn't put a damper on our evening.

 I had made breakfast and lunches every day, but every evening we had eaten out.  Since it was our last night in St Augustine we decided to return to our favorite restaurant of this trip: Salt Water Cowboys.
This hidden gem is a small  seafood shack built out over the the marsh at the end of a unpaved residential street. It's very popular with the locals, and for good reason.
The interior is funky and casual and inviting; the service is outstanding, and their seafood is some of the beast we've ever eaten.  And from where the the restaurant is located in the middle of a coastal salt marsh , we were able to watch Mother Nature's light show going on to the South of us all evening.   It was a great way to end the  trip.

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