Tuesday, November 20, 2018

CC's Birthday: 11 '18

Thank you everyone for all the Birthday wishes. I Can't believe I actually managed to live so well for 75 years. I can remember thinking that 75 was Sooooo OLD when my grandmother reached that age. What could one possibly do with that much time on earth? But when I look back on my own life , I see my 20s surrounded by family, friends and people I love. My thirties were filled personal; social. and intellectual growth., My forties added career achievements to my accomplishments. My fifties wove travel and adventure sports into my being, and my sixties brought a huge burst of renewed creativity in art. Each decade has added a new sense of accomplishment and joy in living. For my seventies I am concentrating on pulling the best of all of those skills together and enjoying each and every moment. Now that I find myself in the position of being family's oldest living matron, I lam especially enjoying watching how each of you are creating and nurturing the very special person you are.

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