Monday, December 31, 2018

Happy New Year's Eve:12' 18

We've reached the end of the 2018 year. 
Looking back on the months gone by,
as the new years starts and an old one ends,
we think what brought us happiness,
and we think of our loved ones and friends.

We celebrate last year's resolutions met, 
and all those we soon will to set.

The table is ready for a New Years eve feast.


 We'll  be ringing in the new year, if you please,
a  first course of  salad and goat cheese.

 Then  an entree of  roast beast,
and rice middle east.

Actually it's a lamb chop
(paired with white and red wines, at least)
 and followed by desert,
then champagne to pop.

Tonight we will eat, drink, and be merry,
for tomorrow we diet.

Our party will last until the noisemakers go quiet. 

So let's lift our glasses
in a toast to everyone
to the old year now behind us, 
to the new year, just begun.

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