Saturday, July 20, 2019

Beach Alternatives 7 '19

Today was a beautiful warm sunny day. Normally I would call it 'perfect beach weather'.  Unfortunately, it was just a little too sunny for Bruce's sun-sensitive skin,  but it was also far to pretty to be stuck indoors.  

We decided to seek an acceptable alternative activity by looking for spoonbills in the freshwater lagoons at Huntington Beach State Park.  As luck would have it, we went too late to see any wading birds. They had all ceased their foraging and taken refuge from the sun in the leafy shelter of the nearby maritime forest surrounding the lagoons.  The stop at HBSP did give us a chance to check out the beach conditions from the safety of the handicap boardwalk.  And Yep!. It was too sunny, and he was having too much difficulty walking, for us to venture out onto the sand.

Undeterred, we switched to Plan B: lunch in the shade of the umbrellas of the  Litchfield Cabana Cafe where we could take advantage of their beachfront dining without risk of being fried.  It was the perfect remedy for cabin fever!

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