Saturday, October 8, 2016

Front half of Hurricane Matthew: 10 '16

The front half of Hurricane Matthew arrived at our doorstep around noon on Saturday, and hung around about two hours before the eye passed over us.     The wind and the rain came at us from the South East blowing inland. Neither the wind nor the wind nor the rain was very strong during this half of the storm.  We actually walked out of doors several times onto the front porch to take some short video clips. Granted, we had the entire house sheltering us just in case the wind suddenly gusted stronger, but this half of the storm was NOT VERY SCARY. We had a few power flickers but the power and cable came right back on during this part of the storm  For our friends and family in California think of the wind level on an average Santa Ana windstorm. It was not something to be walking or driving in, but we were definitely not feeling threatened.   

Here's a short video of the worst of it

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