Monday, October 7, 2019

Halloween is coming: 10 '19

The next  logical  place for a Halloween makeover was our front yard flower beds.
We already had some  ghosts at the front door,  and I wanted to stay consistent with the ghost theme in front, but I also wanted something more interesting  than what was available in the local stores.

After searching the web for ideas I decided it would be more interesting to  construct some ghosts using my out-of-season tomato-cages as the under-frame for our ghosts.  I purchased some sugar-skull face masks for their faces.  (You guessed it .. I got them from the Dollar Tree). Using  large plastic milk h bottles for the head shape under the mask, and plastic table cloths draped over an upside down tomato-cage as the body,  the ghosts assembled fairly quickly. To make sure they didn't blow over in the wind, I set them over large  flowerpots filled with mulch (which will be spread in the flowerbeds once Halloween is over.)

This time around I gave them all  names and made signs so everyone can  know who they are.
I  called them 'The three Rosa sisters":
Una (above), 


and Tres.

and I warned visitors repeatedly not to 'pass' Tres.

Then just to make it more visible at night, I hand embellished some skull solar lights I found at Dollar Tree 

to make them look like sugar skulls.

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