Friday, July 22, 2016

Staying young together, Star Trek movie 7 "16

Star Trek Beyond is not the best of the Star Trek movies produced and it is not  the worst.. The special effects  and aliens were not as creative  as they have been in some of the series  other movies, but the action scenes were exciting enough to keep me involved.  Having met most of the cast  in two previous films , I found  myself more familiar with  their characters and more  emotionally invested in this cast's survival.  than I had been in their previous  two film.  Perhaps it is just that the female cast member's were finally given  their fair share of kick-ass roles, but  the characters seemed more believable in this movie , and there was more interpersonal  humor in their interactions. While it might not be your favorite  Star Trek movie, it definitely deserves the loyalty of  all Trekies.

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