Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Hawaii: Birding 3 '08

One of the things we love about the Big Island of Hawaii is the variety of birds the Island supports.
Here are just a few of the species we saw on this trip:

American Cardinals  didn't bother taking a picture.  You know what they look like. The surprising thing is I have never seen one on the west coast of the USA  ... so how did they get here ?

Doves : Rock, Spotted, Zebra, and Morning dove are all common.

Golden Plover and her young  Above and Below

The Iiwi a small colorful Native Hawaiian honey sucker  ( not shown) is common near the volcano House in the National Park
In the same area we also saw this unidentified species
and Io  ( Native Hawaiian Owls) 
 not shown... it was flying too low and too near dusk for me to get a photo.

Java Finch
While most mainlanders know these from the pet trade, they are a well established non-native species in the Hawaiian Islands.

Not too sure How this fella got to the Islands, but he's certainly settled in

Moore Hen.. I saw several but didn't get photos

But I did get a photo of its near relative the
Hawaiian Moorhen Gallinula chloropus sandvicensis
What a treat!

Myna Bird
This immigrant species is everywhere

The "Nene" a native Haweiian Goose
is on the endangered species list
but seems to be thriving on the up-country golf courses,
where they can frequently be seen with their young

Night heron are common along the rocky shores and secluded coves
there were a lot of other shore birds as well.

 We saw but couldn't photograph
the "oa'e ula - the red tail tropical bird

Pheasant are common in the underbrush  along the roads and golf courses as are several species of Francolinus and Chukar

Red Headed Cardinal are everywhere

Saffron Finch are ubiquitous as well

 And of course there are Wild Turkeys
Probalby brought in like pheasant for hunters, and they escaped and are thriving on the golf course.
Well at least the are and American species!

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