Saturday, February 16, 2008

Palmetto - Awendah Trail hike 2 '08

Guide and Group meeting for Awendah Trail Hike
Today we had an action adventure. 

Becky Sullivan

 We went with our good friends, Jim and Becky Sullivan, for a short hike along the Palmetto trail. 

Jim Sullivan

 The Palmetto Trail leads east west between the low country marshes at the coast, to the mountains on the Western side of the State. We joined up with about twenty other nature lovers for a docent led hike along the eastern most section of the trail ( also known as the Awendah Section).   It was a short walk (only four miles) but very pleasant.  There were plenty of birds to watch, and lots of beautiful views of the marsh and inter-coastal waterways.  

Guide dog, Casey
 Our guide was very informative about local flora and history, and his dog, Casey, made sure that no one got lost.  Later this year we hope to walk other sections of this trail

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