Sunday, December 27, 2009

Avatar 12 '09

Avatar Poster
 Bruce I and our friends,  Jim and Becky  Sullivan went to an afternoon matinee of the movie Avatar.
CC, BJ, Becky, Jim
I was expecting a  well thought out cartoon, but was instead stunned by the realism James Cameron has managed to instill reality into the 3d  animated characters.
Everything from their facial expressions,
 to their body movement was flawless.
Even more enchanting was the extra-terrestial planet filled with exotic creatures and floating islands.
I don't think I have ever seen anything quite so  magically beautiful  look so real .
Granted, the plot was a little tires, but that was the only fault I could find with the movie.
In all other ways it is promising to become a classic.
It is certainly one of our top all time favorites.
If the acting and  the cinematography in this film doesn't win an Academy Award, then there is something seriously wrong with the Awards process.

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