Sunday, May 20, 2012

Fireants '12

Last week CC stepped on a fire ant mound   in a parking lot .
These ants may look small, but let me tell you they are not harmless   
Apparently Fire ants are related to wasps.  They defend their territory by  embedding a stinger loaded with a powerful  toxin  deep into the flesh of their opponents.  When one ant  attacks, the rest of the nest go into a frenzy and all start swarming the hapless victim;  the results can send some into shock.
Ooooeee is it ever painful.
We counted 78 bites just on her left  foot alone ...with an equal number or more on the right foot.  They bit her on her ankles between the toes and even on the bottom of her feet.   The small pustules quickly turned into  deep abscessesShe can't put on shoes or even sandals, and the pain is waking her up at night.

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