Thursday, June 19, 2014

What a mess! 6 '14

I don't know how many of you remember my mentioning that a wind storm had toppled a large oak in the woods behind our house last April.  Except it didn't quite take it to the ground... As you can see in the photo, the trunk split about high above the ground and the crown and upper trunk  got hung up between the branches of another oak.  It's upper trunk came to rest  about 15 feet off of the ground at a 90 degree angle with its base. What you can't see is that the top of the trunk of the fallen oak  extends another 15 feet beyond the left side of the photo.  In addition, thick  kudzu vines had wrapped themselves between the upper trunk of the large oak and two smaller trees, so when the big oak toppled, it pulled the two smaller trees over with it.  Yesterday the big oak's base finally gave way  sending its length crashing to the ground.  Both of the smaller trees snapped in half .  And several branches of the trees the large oak had been wedged against were sheared off.  It took us all day to get the major branches  cut up and hauled off to the recycling center, and we still have a lot of small twiggy debris to pick up.  At least I no longer will worry about the oak falling on one of the neighborhood cats.

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