Tuesday, May 28, 2019

RIP Ms. Kat

Our beloved Ms. Kat passed over the rainbow  bridge today, and out heart is filled with memories.

For 15 years you have been our constant loving companion

You  gave up your home in California to make a home with us in South Carolina .

where you endured snow

and wind  storms

and hurricane evacuations.

You helped us  while we worked

and  kept us company  while we rested

You were the most adventurousness cat I have ever know.

You trustingly followed us on every trail we took

Even  on paths where none had gone before.

and  willingly climbed in the RV

to visit  over half the states in our nation.

Your curiosity was boundless.

When we arrived at a new destination  you check every window.

and use all your senses 

before giving approval  as a safe haven for us all.

You loved life and lived it to its fullest
and though life goes on without you
It will never be the same.

2004 - 5/282019/19

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