Thursday, July 4, 2019

Patriotic Wreath: 7' 19

We wish a 'Happy 4th of July' to all of our friends.

CC's celebrating the holiday by sharing directions for making her newly crafted flip-flop wreath
How to make this Patriotic door hanger:
You will need:
1 small pizza pan
1 small can of spray paint in color of the door to cover the exposed portions of the pizza pan (I used black paint).

1 generous measure of wire or ribbon; must be strong and long enough to hang the pan and flip flops from a door wreath hanger. ( Give yourself a bit extra so you can adjust the length once the wreath is completed)
2 pairs of solid colored flip flops in red, white &/or blue colors.
2 pairs of multicolored pattern flip flops in red white and or blue colors
1 pair of flip flops that is color of door/painted pizza pan
1 metal star from a garden stake (with wire stake removed)
1 hot glue gun or E6000 glue ( I used E6000 because it gave me a little bit more time to make minor adjustments before it locked the piece in place)
  • Spray paint the bottom, side of the pan and let dry.
  • While the paint is drying lay our your flip flops on a table to decide what arrangement you like best ( See note). I used the solid colors as the bottom layer vertical and horizontal, and the pattern flip flops on top of them on the diagonals.
  • Once the paint is dry , insert the wire that will be used to hang the wreath into the holes from the bottom side of the pan so that the wire emerges on the inside of the pan. Loosely tie a knot on the inside ( Keep the knot loose so you can adjust the length once the wreath is completed.
  • The center of the holes in the pan is now the top of your wreath.
    • Using this spot as your guide, draw a vertical line to spot on the opposite edge of the pan,
    • then find the center of this line and draw a horizontal line through the center to the opposite edges
    • Your pan should now be divided into 4 equal parts.
  • Run a line of glue over the horizontal line, then put glue on the bottom on your your first pair of flip flops and adhere the pair heel to heel across the bottom of the pan. Then repeat process with the vertical pair butting the heels of the verticals against the side of the horizontal pair. ( Note: My front door is narrow so I wanted this wreath to be narrower across. If you want your wreath to be perfectly even, you should have all four heels touching at their outer edges which will leave an hole in the center of the wreath)
  • You now have flip flops placed vertically and horizontally across your pizza pan. You also have exposed areas of the pan between the parts you have glued on.
    • Cut up the fifth flip flop that matches the pan color and glue them into those spaces. These pieces don't have to be pretty, as they will not show. They are just being used as a base to stabilize your next layer.
    • Do the same with any scraps to loosely fill in and build a base in the hole in the center of the wreath.
  • Now glue the remaining four flip flops on a diagonal across the first layer of flip-flops ( & and scrap filler)
  • Glue the star in the center.
  • Place some weights atop all the pieces to make sure the glued and making contact with each other, and let the glue dry for however long the glue product directions recommend.
  • Once the glue is dryy, adjust your wire hanger's length, and enjoy you new door wreath.

*Note :This wreath only took about 10 minutes to assemble but I spent a good 10 hours studying different layouts and collecting the pieces before I started.

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