Friday, May 1, 2020

Long awaited cat- tower has arrived: 5 '20

When the boys first arrived  we expected  them to be jumping onto counters and climbing atop furniture  as they explored their new home and we had prepared  the house  accordingly by moving anything breakable out of reach.  What we were not prepared for was quite how much energy,  endurance and enthusiasm they had  for the adventure.  The last few kitties we'd adopted were senior citizens by the time they moved in with us.  By comparison ,the  bros are still  teenagers.  It  only took a few days for the boys to convince us that they are far too young and active  to  be confined inside our home without some serious cat exercise equipment.  So Bruce went online and ordered the biggest baddest cat tower he could find.
It finally arrived today.

When packed, it weighs a ton.   I could barely  drag it indoors.

Which,  of course, caught the attention of the boys.
One of them  immediately took responsibility for  being the shipping  and delivery inspector.

To lighten the load, I decided to open the box 
 and  to remove some of the  components
 before carrying the rest of the box to the back-room where it would be installed.  

Of course.  I had help from the packing inspector,
who was quick to remove one of the cat toys from the container.

Once I began laying the components out  in the room where the tower was to be set up, 
both brothers helped with the inventory count.

They also did an environmental study of the proposed site for the structure,

and supervised  every step of the construction the workers made. 

They even insisted upon checking that the dimensions of the sleeping lofts,
matched the specs, before they would allow us to move onto building the next level of the tower. 

When everything  finally met with their approval,
The  Bros gave us permission to set  the tower in place.

It seems to have passed their preliminary inspection,

but final approval is still pending.
Now the question is: 
 Which new cat toy do they like best?

Their new cat-tower ??? or 

or the box it was shipped-in???.

1 comment:

Janet Campbell Klick said...

That's an awesome tower. Where did you get it from?