Tuesday, November 24, 2020

The HOA lumberjacks have been busy: 11 '20

We were interrupted in the middle of our breakfast by the whine of what sounded like chainsaws right outside our back door.  

We weren't far off; a crew of lumberjacks was working on cutting down a gigantic  cedar growing  20 feet from our next-door neighbor's back door.

It seemed so sad to see such a beautiful old tree cut down,  

but much of its trunk and many of its limbs were hollowed out and very brittle making it a serious hazard in the tropical storms winds which sweep through our area every summer and fall.

For similar reasons, the HOA was having the towering pine trees planted along our property line removed.   The tops of these trees snap like match sticks in strong winds.  With the prevailing winds likely to blow them right atop of our condos, our HOA decided it was best to have them removed.

I know we will miss seeing a forest at our back door, but I also know we won't miss the safety concerns those trees have created throughout every Hurricane season. 

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