Wednesday, October 17, 2007

KAT 10 '07

We were worried about bringing our adopted out-of-door California stray, Ms. Kat Attude  (AKA ‘KAT) to SC and locking her into a condo.  But the choice was that or has her put to sleep.  She was too old to be put up for adoption.  Not knowing what dangers might be lurking in the woods behind us, we were reluctant to let her outside.  As much as she wanted out, she was reluctant to go out beyond the few feet of grass lawn behind our condo.  During the first few months she would only go for a walk further if we would go with her.  Then she discovered squirrels …..and she was off and running.

She has great aspirations (if little hope) for catching one of the swishy tailed critters.  But so far all she has managed to hunt down is one striped skink and several small land-crabs (which she caught inside our screened porch.).  She wasn’t sure what to do with either, so she gladly traded her live catches for a kitty treats.

She still loves to play hide and seek with Bruce. She hides while he seeks.  When he gets close she runs out from her hiding spot and tags his leg and runs to her next hiding place.  She also likes to chase the whiffle balls when he is practicing his golf drive with them on the lawn behind us. 

We had to go to California for Bruce’s medical exams last week.  KAT made friends with the new cat-sitter, Conne, but it was obvious that she was lonely. The sitter said Kat wouldn’t leave her side while she was there, and even grabbed her leg to try to prevent her from leaving.  Kat was very happy to see us come home.  She hasn't let us out of her sight since we arrived.   I think the next trip will be in the RV and we will take her with us.

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