Thursday, March 13, 2014

Anniversary Trip: Temple Beth Elohim 3"14

As our final adventure in Charleston we decided to take a docent guided  tour of  Kahal Kadosh Beth Elohim.  It turned out to be a highlight of this week's trip.  Founded in 1749 as a Sephardic Orthodox congregation, in 1841, Kahal Kadosh Beth Elohim--also known as KKBE--was firmly committed to the path of religious Reform Judaism. Their sanctuary is the second oldest synagogue building in the United States and the oldest in continuous use. Even more so was the small museum they have which illustrates the history of Jews in the mid 1700's and onward in Charleston. This congregation has so much to be proud of.

We were fortunate enough to tour the temple, while their staff was rehearsing for their Purim Service. It definitely was an enlightening  and uplifting experience.  We both agreed that if we were ever to join a  Temple, this would be the congregation we would want to be members of.

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