Sunday, June 28, 2015

Sedona in Review 6 '15

 We landed in Charleston at 12:30 am (Sun. 6/28) and arrived home safely about 2;30 am , but our heads are still wrapped up in all that we did and saw in Sedona.  So lets see how did we do on that activity  wish list we made before we left:

Group pot luck dinners and BBQs at the resort -  Yes, several of them

A couple of group dinners out (At least one with, and one without children.).

Pool parties in the heat of the day

Hiking (our preferred trail list includes Bell Rock, Oak Creek Canyon, Red Rock Crossing, and Devils Bridge (in Boynton Canyon)-
All but Boynton, albeit a few were cut shortby the heat

Golf Sedona Golf Resort ( 18 holes)

Visit a vortex -  Several 

Photography .. especially in Cathedral Rock, Oak Creek Canyon, Airport Mesa, and Bell Rock.- Yes all of the above

Gallery Hopping ( for CC, the Sedona Art Center and Exposures International Gallery are a high priority, but we are open to seeing any good quality artwork).

Shopping in North Sedona  or Tlaquepaque ( CC's wish  list  includes finding rocks and fossils for some of the grand kids, and a set of wind chimes or a singing bowl for herself.)  - Yes, including the gifts for kids.

Visit the Amitabha Stupa and Peace Park. Wonderful way to end the trip !

Overall, I would have to say it was a highly successful trip.

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