Friday, April 23, 2021

Practice Makes Perfect with Challah Bread: 4 '21

I have been trying for weeks to learn how to make a good-tasting loaf of Challah bread. While I'm getting pretty good at braiding the dough, I haven't been too happy with the taste of any of the recipes I have used. What I am looking for is a soft honey egg bread, but most of the recipes I've tried come out too hard and dry.

So this week I decided to make Challah bread/rolls from the kick ass baker recipe (

It came out very close to what I was hoping for ( The only change I might recommend is to sprinkle a little salt on top of the bread when you bake it.. I used the recipe exactly as it is posted, but after the first rest when the dough was starting to rise I divided the first proof dough into two unequal parts ( one part had 1/3 of the dough and the seccond part had 2/3 of the dough). After the two balls of dough had proofed a second time, I braided a three strand loaf from of the larger ball of dough, and then further divided the smaller ball into six balls which I knotted into rolls.

Both the rolls and the loaf were baked in a 350 oven for 30 minutes. Both looked beautiful and they smell and taste really good.

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