Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Hydrangea Harvest 7"14

Hydrangea Blossom Harvest
Our Hydrangea macrophylla are covered with huge blooms.  For the past month ,I've been clipping off  eight or ten of them each week to bring in the house for cut flowers   All that has done is make the remaining inflorescence grow larger. The weight of these bracts are so heavy that their stems are bending under their burden.  Even a small rainstorm has them dragging in the mud and bruising them badly.  Needless to say, The heavy rains that Hurricane Arthur are predicted to bring, will most likely ruin  every single blossom on all of our plants.  Time to harvest the whole lot.  Fortunately, if given plenty of fresh water, Hydrangea blossoms are quite long lasting, and can even be dried .  Looks like we will have these beauties with us through the whole house for the entire remainder of the summer.

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