Thursday, October 1, 2020

Sukkot Preparations: 10 ' 20

 We have decided to have a full on  Sukkot celebration this year.  We had considered setting up a Sukkah ( Tent) in prior years,  but  have always felt constrained  from  doing so  by a myriad of HOA rules  prohibiting leaving personal items out of doors overnight.  Setting up a Sukkot for a week long holiday, even on our 2nd story deck, would almost certainly generate a CC&R violation notice.  As this year's Covid Pandemic  caused Jews everywhere to adjust their traditions to avoid outside social contac,  we began to see photos of Jewish people setting up their tents in their living rooms.  So Game on!

Bruce brought our patio umbrella indoors and set it up over
our living room's chairs day bed, and coffee stable.

I covered the umbrella with a large 
mosquito net giving us sides.

Then  we brought in some houseplants
from the sunporch,

and hung Star of David decorations inside and ouside the tent.

 To give the setting a bit more of an out-of-door vibe, other furnishings around the room were decorated  with the foliage of the four species: citron, myrtle, palm, and  willow.

The kitties absolutely love the sukkah and are busy marking anything
 and everything  on, or in it.
Unfortunately, that means the kitties interest in the project
that  means that we have had to make some adjustments.
They are sure that our Lulav and Etrog are new cat chew toys, 

so these traditional symbols have been moved  out of the sukkah
  and onto a side table.

Our cats know that getting on the dining room table is verboden, so that  table is being used as a clean staging area.  Once the food is ready to be served on the plates, we will move the  complete place settings into the table in the sukkah to eat.

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