Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Day 8 Road Trip: Atlantic City

We woke up to dry skies so decided to try going to the Atlantic City Board Walk again with two of the three of the grandchildren. (The oldest grandchild was at a cheerleading practice). The kids wanted to play a round of minigolf at one of the indoor courses on the boardwalk. That was a lot of fun or all of us. 

Then we bought some ice cream cones and were strolling along the boardwalk eating them when it started raining hard again which canceled all chance of doing any more walking. By the time we got to the car, we were all soaked to the skin.

The Flyer ( Her next move was to somersault down)
We went back to the house for a change of clothes then rushed off to see the oldest grand child's cheerleading performance. That was very cool. She is one of the 'flyers' on her high school varsity team. It is a high-energy and very high-risk position. Just watching her get tossed and flipped in the air made my heart stop. Both of us felt exhausted by the time we got back to the house.

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