Sunday, August 18, 2019

Mini-Alii Rescue: 8 '19

I thought Bruce was joking when he called out to 'come to see the alligator in our back yard' and 'bring your camera'. Surprise! There WAS a 3 ' young alligator in our back yard. It was stalking the ground feeding birds under our bird feeder. DNR had been called by some neighbors but they just said to let it find its own way back to the water. Unfortunately, the construction fence behind our property had blocked off its only access to the water.

Bruce captured it with a large animal net, then had me get our largest sturdiest animal cage. As you can see it is about 4' long and still had its baby stripes.

It wasn't happy at all about being in the cage and kept hissing and growing at us. We didn't want to stress it out too much, so we wasted no time loading the cage into the back of our SUV and driving to the nearest set of large freshwater ponds, where we released it.

Once the cage door was open it wasted no time scrambling out and heading to the pond, where it was last seen swimming away unharmed.

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