Thursday, June 30, 2016

A morning walk around the New Development 6'16

So far the heritage oaks are still standing
The sky was clear of rain clouds this morning, so Bruce and I decided to take an early morning walk around the golf course side of the  new development. Starting at the Heritage Oaks at the entrance to our street, we followed the 18th fairway  cart path east towards the 17th fairway taking photos as we went.

Bruce is standing at the corner of the heritage oak lot, looking west along Tanglewood Dr towards the Club House.

Even though it is clearly within the new owners property, the shredders left that magnificent 20 foot high Camellia and the Magnolia tree  adjacent to the 18th fairway alone.  Good thing,  I think I might have been tempted to exercise my right to bear arms had either  mature species been harmed.

This is a view of the woods along the 18th fairway looking east towards the 17th fairway.

And west towards the Tanglewood Drive

Looking through the woods from the 18th fairway
 towards Units 48 and 92.

Looking through the woods from the 18th fairway towards Units 108,
we can actually see the bird feeder in our back yard.

We have a clear view from Fairway 18 to unit 108-4 While most of the trees along the property lines are oaks, the interior of the woods is filled with pine.  I suspect many of these will be harvested soon.

Bruce is on the golf cart path  at the intersection
 of  the 18th and 17th fairways.

Here's the woods at the  corner of the 17th and 18th fairways. 
 We can now see through them to the marsh
 and the causeway to the 13th green.

 Here's the view South, along the cart path by the 17th green ,towards the 18th tee off areas.

Walk a few feet further, past the Hunt  Caretaker's House, and one would never guess how much has changed in the past week.

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