Monday, June 20, 2016

New Development, Day II: 6 '16

Late yesterday afternoon, the woods behind our home still looked intact and dense when viewed from the lot with the heritage oaks at the entrance to our street.

But the CAT was left sitting in the midst of the forest, so it was safe to assume that the clearing would be continuing. And it did starting at 8 am this morning.

By noon we could see all the way from the heritage oaks through to the marsh beyond the woods.

And from the marsh side we could look through the denuded woods to the backs of the first homes on our street. 

By the time the work day ended the clearing extended from Tanglewood Drive all the way back to the beginning of the powerlines that run through the center of the forest.

At this rate, we should have a marsh view from our living room by the end of the week. 

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